Privacy Policy
This page we describe the modalities of management of the site in reference to the processing of data personal of the users that you consult.
It is of an informative that is made also to the senses art . 13 of D.Lg . no.196 / 2003 - Code in matter of protection of data personal - to those who interact with the services of the web site, accessible at URL: corresponding to the page start the site officer.
The information is made only for the site and not also for other sites web eventually consulted by the user via links.
Personal Data (or Data)
It is given staff any information concerning a person physical , identified or identifiable , even indirectly , through reference to any other information , therein including a number of identification staff.
Data of Use
They are the information collected in a manner automatically by this application (or the application of parties third that this application uses ), including the such : the addresses IP or the names to dominion of the computers used by the User that is connected with this application , the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation , the time of the request , the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response , the numeric code indicating the status of the response from the server ( successful , error , etc. .) the country of origin , the features of the browser and system operation used by the visitor , the various connotations time of the visit (for example, the time to stay on each page ), and the details relating to the route followed within the Application , with particular reference to the sequence of pages consulted , the parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the User.
The individual who uses this application , which must coincide with the interested party or be from this authorized and i whose data Personal is the subject of treatment.
The person physical or legal when you relate the data Personal
Head of Privacy (or Manager)
The person physical , legal , the public administration and any other organization , association or body in charge of the Holder to the treatment of data Personal , according as prepared by this Privacy Policy.
Holder of the treatment (or owner)
The person physical , legal , the public administration and any other organization , association or body to compete , even in conjunction with another owner , the decisions in order to purpose , the mode of treatment of data Personal and the tools used , therein including the profile of the security , in relation to the operation and the use of this Application . The holder of the treatment , except as otherwise specified , is the owner of this application.
This Application
The instrument hardware or software through the which are collected the data Personal of Members.
Small portion of data stored within the User 's device.
Legal references
Notice to Users in Europe : the present information policy is drawn up in fulfillment of the obligations laid down in Art . 10 of Directive no. 95/46 / CE, as well as to what foreseen by the Directive 2002/58 / EC, as updated by Directive 2009/136 / EC, in the field of cookies.
This information privacy concerns exclusively this Application
Holder of the processing of data
Hotel Duomo Pisa S.r.l. / P. IVA 02415770508 Via Santa Maria, 94 / 56126 - PISA Indirizzo email del Titolare:
Types of data collected
Among the data Personal collected by this Application , so independently or through third parties , there are : the number of phone , email, name , surname , data of use , professional , province , state , country , postal code, city , address , reason social , website , various types of data , sector of activity , cookies and language.
Other data Personal collected may be indicated in other sections of this privacy policy or by text information displayed simultaneously to the collection of the data themselves.
The data Personal can be entered voluntarily by you , or collected so automatically during the use of this Application.
Any use of cookies - or other tools for tracking - as part of this application or of the holders of services third use of this Application , if not otherwise stated , has the purpose of identifying the user and record their preferences for purpose strictly related to the provision of the service requested by the User.
The failure to award as part of the User of some data Personal may stop in this application to provide your own services.
You will assume the responsibilities of the Data About the third published or shared through this application and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them , freeing the owner from any liability towards third parties.
Method and place of processing the collected data
Method of treatment
The owner is the data Personal of Members adopting appropriate measures of security designed to prevent access , the disclosure , the modification or destruction of non authorized of Data Personal.
The treatment is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the holder, in some cases, may have access to the data categories of charge involved in the organization of the site ( staff administrative , commercial , marketing, legal , administrators of the system ) or individuals external (such as providers of services technicians third , couriers postal , hosting provider, company information , agencies of communication ) appointed also , if necessary, in charge of processing as part of the holder. The list updated of Managers will always be requested to the owner of the processing.
The Data are processed at the Data Controller's operating offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information , contact the owner .
The Data are processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User , or required by the purposes described in this document , and the User can always ask for the interruption of the treatment or the cancellation of the data .
Purpose of the processing of the collected data
The Data User are collected to enable the owner to provide your own services , as well as for the following purposes : Contact the User , Advertising , Invitation to events , Management of payments , search and selection of staff , Fulfillment of obligations of law and regulation , exercise the rights in the seat judicial , display of content from platforms outside , Statistics , remarketing and behavioral targeting, interaction with social networks and platforms outside , Saving and management of backup, protection from SPAM, Heat mapping and recording sessions , Hosting and infrastructure backend and registration and authentication .
Acquired , also , the consensus User , the Owner will treat the data for purposes of the definition of profiles individual and group ( activities of profiling ) as well as for purposes of marketing, such as the communication , via newsletters, mail electronic , sms , of information and / or updates on products and services , as well as on initiatives or on events organized HotelGrand Hotel Duomo Pisa and from other company partners of the holder , including any invitations to such initiatives or events .
The user can however oppose the sending of promotional e-mails (newsletters) at any time using the methods provided to oppose the treatment and not receive further e-mails
Details on the processing of personal data
The data Personal are collected for the following purposes and using the following services:
Cookie Policy
This application makes use of cookies. To learn the most and informative detailed , you can consult the Cookie Policy.
Learn more about the treatment
Defense in court
The data Personal User can be used as part of the holder in judgment or in phases preparatory to its eventual establishment for the defense of abuse in the use of this application or of the services connected to part of the User.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to disclose the data at the request of public authorities.
informative specifications
On request the User , in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this application may provide the User of information additional and contextual related services specific , or the collection and the processing of data Personal.
System log and maintenance
For requirements related to the operation and the maintenance , this application and the possible services third as it used could collect logs system , which are files that record the interactions and which may contain also data Personal , such as the address IP User.
Information not contained in this policy
Further information in relation to the processing of data Personal Information may be requested in any moment to the owner of the processing using the information of contact.
Exercise of rights as part of the Users
The subjects which will relate the data Personal have the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of the existence or less of the same from the holder of the treatment , to know the content and origin , to verify the accuracy or ask for integration the cancellation , updating , the correction , the transformation in the form anonymous or the blocking of data Personal treated in violation of law , and to oppose in any case , for reasons legitimate , to their treatment . The requests must be addressed to the holder of the treatment.
This application does not support the required "Do Not Track".
To know if the possible services of third parties used the support , the User is invited to consult the respective privacy policies.
Changes to this privacy policy
The owner of the processing will reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving publicity to Members on this page . We pray , therefore, to consult often this page , taking as reference the date of last modification indicated in the bottom . In case of non acceptance of the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is obliged to cease the use of this application and may require the holder of the processing of removing your own data Personals . Except as otherwise specified , the previous privacy policy will continue to apply to data Personal up to that time collected .
Information on this privacy policy
The owner of the processing of the data is responsible for this privacy policy.